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     Features Overview
  Design and Test your Simulated Conversations and Quiz Interactions in KDSimStudio.
  Easy-to-use Conversation Wizard and Drag and Drop functionality reduce the time necessary to build robust interactions.
  Publish and deploy your interaction quickly using the Flash KDSimStudio Player.
  Features / Version Free
No Registration
Lite Designer
Coming Soon!
Coming Soon!
  # of Conversation Objects 25 50 unlimited unlimited unlimited
  # of Characters 1 2 4 - -
  No KD Logo on Player    
  Choice of KDSimPlayer
  Continuation Character

  (New in Version 1.1)
  Coaching Tips*
  (New in Version 1.1)
  Integrated Learning
  Fully Customizable
  Event Objects*        
  ©2006 Knowledge Dynamics, Inc. KDSimStudio and Knowledge Dynamics are trademarks of Knowledge Dynamics, Inc.
All other trademarks and Service marks are property of their respective owners.